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Chris Daughtry is acknowledging aspiring professional singers these days might not need something like "American Idol" to launch their careers ... but he's walking a fine line here.

The 'Idol' alum was at LAX Monday, and our photog chatted him up about the modern landscape of music and television -- which, in the good old days of the aughts, made for the perfect combination of stardom on shows like 'AI' and others.

Remembering "American Idol" Gallery Launch Gallery Remembering 'American Idol' Launch Gallery Gallery Getty

CD, of course, is a great example of that -- he didn't win the competition, but came out as a hugely popular artist nonetheless ... and he's been incredibly successful in the music biz.

With that in mind, our camera guy asks if he thinks 'Idol' is pretty much obsolete in the era of TikTok -- when up-and-comers can go viral much more easily than back then ... and break into the industry with a little more ease.

'American Idol' -- The Most Memorable Moments Gallery Launch Gallery The Most Memorable "IDOL" Moments Launch Gallery Gallery Getty

Welp, Chris won't go so far as to say 'Idol' is ancient and irrelevant -- you can tell he doesn't wanna straight up trash the show -- but he does note the obvious ... there are other routes.

Basically, Chris says he's just not sure if there are less people going out for 'Idol' in 2024 as there were back in 2004. On the question of whether can churn out megastars the way you used to in its heyday ... there, too, he kinda gives a shrugged-shoulder response.

Like he says ... he's lucky enough to where he doesn't have to think about that -- 'cause he's been there and conquered the mountain. In other words, he caught the good wave!

Chris is still seeing success well after his American Idol days... his new song "Artificial" is currently charting top 5 on Rock radio.

Paula Abdul Sues 'American Idol' Exec Nigel Lythgoe for Sexual Assault'American Idol' Star Nutsa Buzaladze Crushes Anthem At Dodger Game, Meets Magic!

Nigel Lythgoe Out at 'SYTYCD' After Paula Abdul Claims of Sexual Assault

Nigel Lythgoe, paula abdul, so you think you can dance TMZ/Getty

Nigel Lythgoe won't participate in this year's edition of "So You Think You Can Dance" ... making the decision after claims of sexual assault were leveled against him by Paula Abdul.

Nigel tells TMZ, "I have informed the producers of ‘So You Think You Can Dance’ of my decision to step back from participating in this year’s series. I did so with a heavy heart but entirely voluntarily because this great program has always been about dance and dancers, and that’s where its focus needs to remain."


Nigel adds, "In the meantime, I am dedicating myself to clearing my name and restoring my reputation."

Nigel Lythgoe so you think you can dance Getty

TMZ broke the story ... Abdul filed a lawsuit against Nigel last week claiming she'd been sexually assaulted by him on at least two occasions -- once when she was a judge on "American Idol" and again while she worked on 'SYTYCD.'

Nigel Lythgoe Through The Years Gallery Launch Gallery Nigel Lythgoe Through The Years Launch Gallery Gallery Getty

During the 'Idol' incident, she says Nigel grabbed her breasts and genitals while trying to kiss her in an elevator. Paula claims Nigel tried to force himself on her during "SYTYCD."

For his part, Nigel has denied Paula's allegations, calling them, "false and deeply offensive."

Sony Pictures Investigating Nigel Lythgoe 'SYTYCD' Sexual Assault Claims'All American Girl' Contestants Sue Nigel Lythgoe for Sexual Assault, Battery

Nigel Lythgoe 'SYTYCD' Sex Assault Claims Spark Sony Investigation

nigel lythgoe with so you think you can dance

Nigel Lythgoe is in the crosshairs of an investigation by the studio that produces his long-running show "So You Think You Can Dance" ... with his job possibly hanging in the balance.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... the embattled EP of the hit reality competition show is at the center of an internal probe being conducted by Sony Pictures Television -- which co-produces 'SYTYCD' under its subsidiary 19 Entertainment, alongside Dick Clark Productions.


We're told Sony's looking into recent claims of sexual assault and harassment made against Nigel -- who created 'So You Think' with Simon Fuller, and has served as an executive producer since its inception, not to mention a consistent judge until he stepped away in '22.

Of course, what Sony's investigating here is Paula Abdul's allegations -- which she made in an explosive lawsuit ... claiming she'd been sexually assaulted by Lythgoe twice, once in the early 2000s during her 'Idol' stint and again in the 2010s while she judged on 'SYTYCD.'

Paula abdul dancing with the stars Getty

Remember, as it pertains to the latter allegation -- which is what Sony's concerned with here -- she alleged Lythgoe invited her to his pad to discuss work opportunities ... only to allegedly pounce on her in an attempt to kiss her. PA also claimed Lythgoe groped one of her assistants during her time on the dance show.

Lythgoe denies Paula's claims, saying they're "deeply offensive" to everything he stands for and totally false.

Our sources say that while Sony digs into this matter, no decision has been made on whether Nigel will be allowed to stay on as an EP. It also remains to be seen if he'll serve as a judge -- this despite the fact he was announced to return to his chair last month for Season 18 ... which will start airing in March. He wasn't a judge during this past season.

Probably worth noting ... Paula named 19 Entertainment as a defendant in her suit too -- alleging sexual assault and battery, sexual harassment, gender violence and negligence.

'All American Girl' Contestants Sue Nigel Lythgoe for Sexual Assault, BatteryNigel Lythgoe Denies Paula Abdul's Sexual Assault Lawsuit Claims

Las concursantes de "All American Girl" demandan a Nigel Lythgoe por agresión sexual y lesiones

Nigel Lythgoe Getty

Tras la demanda de Paula Abdul, el veterano productor de televisión Nigel Lythgoe se enfrenta a una segunda demanda, en la que se le acusa de haber agredido y acosado sexualmente a dos concursantes hace 20 años en un programa de telerrealidad.

Ambas eran concursantes de "All American Girl" —que se emitió durante una temporada en 2003— y Lythgoe era productor del programa. Según los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, las mujeres alegan que en repetidas ocasiones se presentaba en el set y en los vestuarios cuando llevaban trajes de baile y "abiertamente manoseaba" sus traseros.

Nigel Lythgoe Getty

En la demanda —que los demandantes están presentando como Jane Does— dicen que la producción organizó una fiesta para celebrar el final de la filmación, pero al final de la fiesta, afirman que Lythgoe insistió en que una de las mujeres fuera con él de vuelta al estudio cuando el resto del elenco ya se había ido.

La segunda demandante insistió en ir con ellos para proteger a su compañera pero afirman que Lythgoe las llevó a su casa, donde les hizo proposiciones sexuales a ambas. En la demanda, alegan que se levantó el jersey que llevaba puesto y "engulló" a una de las mujeres mientras intentaba besarla, cosa que ella le rechazó inmediatamente.

La otra demandante afirma que se puso agresivo con ella, empujándola contra un piano de cola y forzándola con la boca y la lengua mientras ella protestaba y se negaba.

Las mujeres están demandando a Lythgoe y a una productora sin nombre por asalto sexual, agresión, acoso sexual, imposición intencional de angustia emocional y negligencia.

Nigel Lythgoe Through The Years Gallery Launch Gallery Getty

Como hemos dicho, los demandantes se han presentado de forma anónima y solo identifican al demandado como "John Roe N.L." y al espectáculo como "AAG", pero TMZ ha confirmado a través de fuentes con conocimiento que se refieren a Nigel Lythgoe y "All American Girl".

Los demandantes citan la Ley de Responsabilidad por Abusos Sexuales y Encubrimiento de California (Sexual Abuse and Cover Up Accountability Act) que, en su opinión, permite reactivar sus demandas, aunque de otro modo hubiera prescrito.

Paula abdul dancing with the stars Getty

TMZ publicó la historia, Paula Abdul también citó esa Ley cuando demandó a Lythgoe la semana pasada por supuestamente agredirla sexualmente mientras trabajaban juntos en "American Idol" y "So You Think You Can Dance".

Lythgoe calificó la demanda de Paula de "totalmente falsa" y añadió que las acusaciones son "profundamente ofensivas para mí y para todo lo que represento".

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con sus representantes para que comenten esta última demanda, pero aún no nos han contestado.

Nigel Lythgoe 'All American Girl' Contestants Sue E.P. ... Allege Sexual Assault & Battery

Nigel Lythgoe Getty

On the heels of Paula Abdul's lawsuit, veteran TV producer Nigel Lythgoe finds himself facing a second lawsuit, claiming he sexually assaulted and harassed 2 contestants 20 years ago on a reality competition show.

Both women were contestants on the show, "All American Girl" -- which aired for one season back in 2003 -- and Lythgoe was a producer on the program. According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, the women allege he would repeatedly show up on the set, and in dressing rooms, when they were wearing dance costumes ... and "openly swatted and groped" their butts.

Nigel Lythgoe Getty

In the suit, which the plaintiffs are filing as Jane Does, they say production hosted a party to celebrate the end of filming ... but at the end of the party, they claim Lythgoe insisted one of the women ride with him back to the studio where everyone else on the cast was going.

The second plaintiff insisted on going with them to protect her fellow contestant -- but they allege Lythgoe drove them back to his home, where he made sexual advances on both of them. In the suit, they allege he lifted up the sweater she was wearing, and "engulfed" one of the women while trying to kiss her ... and she immediately rejected him.

The other plaintiff claims he got aggressive with her by pushing her against a grand piano and forcing his mouth and tongue on her ... all of which she protested.

The women are suing Lythgoe and an unnamed production company for sexual assault and battery, sexual harassment, intentional infliction of emotional distress and negligence.

Nigel Lythgoe Through The Years Gallery Launch Gallery Nigel Lythgoe Through The Years Launch Gallery Gallery Getty

As we said, they've filed anonymously, and the suit only identifies the defendant as "John Roe N.L." and the show as "AAG" -- but TMZ has confirmed through sources with knowledge ... they're referring to Nigel Lythgoe and "All American Girl."

The plaintiffs cite California's Sexual Abuse and Cover Up Accountability Act ... which they believe allows for the revival of their claims even though the statute of limitations would have otherwise run.

Paula abdul dancing with the stars Getty

TMZ broke the story ... Paula Abdul also cited that Act when she sued Lythgoe last week for allegedly sexually assaulting her while they were working together on "American Idol" and "So You Think You Can Dance."

Lythgoe called Paula's lawsuit "wholly untrue" -- adding the allegations are "deeply offensive to me and to everything I stand for."

We've reached out to his reps for comment on this latest suit, but no word back yet.

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'Idol' Producer Nigel Lythgoe Denies Paula Abdul's SA Claims ... 'False & Deeply Offensive'

paula abdul nigel lythgoe getty comp.jpg Getty Composite

Paula Abdul's claims of sexual assault against 'American Idol' producer Nigel Lythgoe are wholly untrue, and they'll be fought off vigorously in court ... so says the man himself.

Nigel tells TMZ ... "To say that I am shocked and saddened by the allegations made against me by Paula Abdul is a wild understatement. For more than two decades, Paula and I have interacted as dear -- and entirely platonic -- friends and colleagues."

puala abdul Nigel Lythgoe american idol Getty

He adds, "Yesterday, however, out of the blue, I learned of these claims in the press and I want to be clear: not only are they false, they are deeply offensive to me and to everything I stand for."

NL finishes by saying ... "While Paula’s history of erratic behavior is well known, I can’t pretend to understand exactly why she would file a lawsuit that she must know is untrue. But I can promise that I will fight this appalling smear with everything I have."

Paula abdul dancing with the stars Getty

Nigel doesn't elaborate on the "erratic behavior" he's referring to -- but it does seem to be a thinly-veiled jab at her alleged affair with ex-'Idol' contestant Corey Clark from way back in the mid-2000s ... which she's always maintained did not happen.

TMZ broke the story ... Paula filed her bombshell suit against Lythgoe Friday, alleging she'd been sexually assaulted by him on at least two occasions -- not to mention allegedly being harassed by him on others.

She claimed that in the early seasons of 'Idol,' Lythgoe grabbed her breasts and genitals in an elevator they were in while out on the road for regional auditions ... this while allegedly tying to kiss her. She also claims he forced himself onto her at some point during her judging stint on 'So You Think You Can Dance' after inviting her to his home to talk shop.

Welp, Nigel is denying all of it ... and says Paula's making the whole thing up. None of the other talent from either show has spoken up on this just publicly ... at least not yet anyway.

Remembering "American Idol" Gallery Launch Gallery Remembering American Idol Launch Gallery Gallery Getty

Paula herself also hasn't said anything beyond what she's laid out in the complaint.

'Idol' Judges Simon, Paula and Randy Reunite for Kelly Clarkson's Walk of Fame StarClaudia Jordan Says Ryan Seacrest Shouldn't Pay Any of Vanna White's Salary

Paula Abdul Sues 'Idol' Exec Nigel Lythgoe for Sexual Assault

Getty Composite

Paula Abdul claims one of the "American Idol" executive producers, Nigel Lythgoe, sexually assaulted her multiple times while she was judging 'Idol' and "So You Think You Can Dance" ... according to a new lawsuit she's filed.

Paula filed the lawsuit Friday in L.A. County ... and in the docs, obtained by TMZ, she alleges the first assault happened during "one of Idol's initial seasons" while they were on the road for regional auditions. Paula claims she and Lythgoe got into an elevator at their hotel, and once the doors closed he shoved her against the wall and grabbed her genitals and breasts ... and tried to tongue-kiss her.

Paula abdul american idol Getty

In the suit, Paula says she tried to push him away, and then ran to her room once the elevator doors opened. Paula says she immediately called one of her reps to inform them about the alleged incident -- but fearing she'd be fired in retaliation, she decided to keep quiet.

She says the second alleged encounter happened after she signed a new contract in 2015 to be a judge on 'SYTYCD' -- which was also executive produced by Lythgoe. According to the docs, at some point during her 2 seasons on the show, Lythgoe invited Paula to his house to discuss work opportunities ... and she says she accepted because she thought it was a professional situation.

Paula abdul dancing with the stars Getty

However, she claims the evening ended with Lythgoe forcing himself on top of her while she was on a couch ... and trying to kiss her. In the suit, she says he was telling her they would make an "excellent power couple." Paula says she pushed him off of her, said she was not interested and immediately left.

Paula alleges there was another instance during her 'SYTYCD' that happened in 2015 -- she claims she witnessed Lythgoe grope one of her assistants.

Aside from the disturbing allegations of assault, Paula also claims Lythgoe "taunted" her by calling her at some point to say they should celebrate because it had been "7 years and the statute of limitations had run."

More broadly, Paula alleges she was the victim of harassment and discrimination -- in terms of compensation -- during her time judging 'Idol.'

She is suing Lythgoe, 19 Entertainment and FremantleMedia North America for sexual assault and battery, sexual harassment, gender violence and negligence.

'American Idol' -- The Most Memorable Moments Gallery Launch Gallery The Most Memorable "IDOL" Moments Launch Gallery Gallery Getty

Paula says she's coming forward now due to California's Sexual Abuse and Cover Up Accountability Act ... which gives plaintiffs a window to file claims that would otherwise be barred by the statute of limitations.

We have reached out to Lythgoe for comment, but no word back yet.

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Guess Who This Blue-Eyed Baby Turned Into!

Guess Who These Cute Kids Turned Into -- Part 10 Gallery Launch Gallery Guess Who! Launch Gallery Gallery Getty/Instagram

Before this baby in her pajamas turned into a singing superstar with big blue eyes ... she was just a cool kid throwin' on her Donald Duck hat sideways and growing up in Santa Barbara, California.

She's mostly glitz and glam on her Instagram, but you must not forget it all started back in 2008 with just some cherry chapstick. She may be an American Idol but she'll only judge you based on your singing skills.

Need one more hint? She put on a stellar performance once ... complete with a viral dancing shark!

Can you guess who she is?

Guess Who This Clay Kid Turned Into!Guess Who This Silly Kid Turned Into!

ADIVINA EN QUIÉN se ha convertido este bebé de ojos azules

Guess Who These Cute Kids Turned Into -- Part 10 Gallery Launch Gallery ¡adivina quién! Launch Gallery Gallery Getty/Instagram

Antes de que esta bebé en pijama se convirtiera en una superestrella de la canción con grandes ojos azules, era solo una niña adorable que se ponía su gorro del Pato Donald de lado y crecía en Santa Bárbara, California.

En su Instagram es pura ostentación y glamour, pero no hay que olvidar que todo empezó en 2008 con un simple lápiz de labios de cereza. Puede que sea una American Idol, pero sólo te juzgará por tus dotes como cantante.

¿Necesitas otra pista? Una vez hizo una actuación estelar... ¡con un tiburón bailando!

¿Adivinas quién es?

KELLYANNE CONWAY Extremadamente orgullosa de su hija Claudia ... "Un espíritu independiente"

Play video content ¿Emprendedora o conejita playboy?

Kellyanne Conway no tiene nada más que grandes cosas que decir de su hija Claudia, a quien describe como una mujer independiente que está haciendo grandes movimientos.

Tuvimos a la ex Consejera Senior de Donald Trump la noche del miércoles en la Biblioteca Presidencial Ronald Reagan en California, después de que terminara el debate republicano.

Kellyanne nos contó cómo ha ido la carrera de Claudia, de 18 años, como cantante, unos años después de que se hiciera un nombre en la temporada 19 de "American Idol".

Play video content 3/23/21 Fin de una etapa

Según Kellyanne, a Claudia le va muy bien fuera de la música también y añadió que se consiguió una beca en la Gran Manzana mientras se tomaba un año sabático de la escuela.

Claudia Conway Hot Shots Gallery Launch Gallery Fotos hot de Claudia Conway Launch Gallery Gallery

También le preguntamos qué le parece que su hija haya sido parte de Playboy a principios de este año, pero Kellyanne dijo que ella es una chica independiente y empresaria, de quien se siente orgullosa. Aunque asegura que sus días en Playboy podrían haber terminado.

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Parece que las dos tienen una relación mucho mejor por estos días. En 2021, Claudia secretamente filmó y publicó un video de Kellyanne gritando y maldiciéndola.

Play video content 1/19/21 Tensión en casa

Más tarde, publicó un video de Kellyanne hablando con los policías sobre su explosiva dinámica y fuentes policiales nos dijeron que los policías hicieron un control de bienestar luego de que se compartiera el intenso video.

Afortunadamente, todo eso parece estar en el pasado.

Kellyanne Conway Extremely Proud of Daughter Claudia ... 'An Independent Spirit'

Play video content PROUD MAMA

Kellyanne Conway has nothing but great things to say about her daughter, Claudia ... calling her an independent woman who's making big moves straight out of high school.

We got the former Senior Counselor to Donald Trump Wednesday night at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in CA, after the Republican debate came to a close.

Kellyanne let us know how 18-year-old Claudia's career as a singer has been going, a few years after making a name for herself on season 19 of "American Idol."

Play video content 3/23/21 END OF THE ROAD

According to Kellyanne, Claudia's doin' great outside music, too -- saying she got herself a fellowship in the Big Apple while taking a gap year from school.

Claudia Conway Hot Shots Gallery Launch Gallery Claudia Conway Hot Shots Launch Gallery Gallery

We also ask her what she thinks about her kid being a part of Playboy earlier this year, but KC says her daughter's an entrepreneur and an independent gal, and she's proud of her ... although she claims Claudia's Playboy days might be over.

Play video content 1/19/21 DRASTIC APPROACH

It sounds like the 2 have a much better relationship these days. In 2021, Claudia secretly filmed and posted a video of Kellyanne screaming and cussing her out.

Play video content 1/19/21 TENSION THROUGH THE ROOF

Claudia later posted a video of Kellyanne talking with cops about their explosive confrontation ... and law enforcement sources told us cops did a welfare check after the intense video was shared.

Fortunately, that all seems to be in the rearview.

Claudia Conway Says Things Are Better Between Her & Mom, KellyanneClaudia Conway Hospitalized, Hopes Appendix Doesn't Burst

Guess Who This Gardening Girl Turned Into!

Guess Who These Cute Kids Turned Into -- Part 2 Gallery Launch Gallery Guess Who! Launch Gallery Gallery

Before this cute girl with bangs "dug her key into the side of a pretty little souped-up four-wheel drive," she was just diggin' in the dirt and getting her hands dirty in the garden, singing at her local church and growing up in Checotah, Oklahoma.

Aside from this girl dressed in green evolving into an "American Idol" queen, she has since taken home 8 Grammys and is the face (and voice) of Sunday Night Football! Some hot music stars she's collaborated with include Miranda Lambert and Brad Paisley.

Need one more hint? "Before He Cheats!"

Can you guess who she is?

Guess Who This Beach Kiddo Turned Into!Guess Who This Serious Kid Turned Into!

¡Adivina quién! ¿en quén se ha convertido esta jardinera?

Guess Who These Cute Kids Turned Into -- Part 2 Gallery Launch Gallery ¡adivina quién! Launch Gallery Gallery

Antes de que esta guapa chica con flequillo se dedicara a cantar, pasaba sus días cavando en la tierra, ensuciandose las manos en el jardín, cantando en su iglesia local y a crecer en Checotah, Oklahoma.

Además de convertirse en la reina de "American Idol", esta chica vestida de verde se ha llevado a casa 8 Grammys y es la cara (y la voz) del Sunday Night Football. Algunas de las estrellas musicales con las que ha colaborado son Miranda Lambert y Brad Paisley.

¿Adivinas quién es?

Nutsa Buzaladze 'Idol' Star Crushes National Anthem At Dodger Game ... Meets Magic Johnson!!!

Magic Johnson Nutsa Buzaladze

Dodger fans had at least one thing to cheer about before falling to the Marlins on Friday ... 'cause "American Idol" star Nutsa Buzaladze had the whole stadium going wild after a killer rendition of the national anthem!!

The Georgian singer was a special guest at Dodger Stadium for the home team's contest against Miami ... getting the honor of singing the "Star-Spangled Banner" in front of 46,000 spectators.

Play video content SINGIN' FROM THE SOUL

Nutsa -- who's repped by agent/manager Darren Prince -- got to hang out with some high-profile peeps at the game ... including Magic and Cookie Johnson, Guggenheim Partners CEO Mark Walter and Dodgers pitcher Brusdar Graterol!! Small world, 'cause Prince also has repped the Lakers legend for nearly 30 years.

mark walter Magic Johnson Nutsa Buzaladze

Of course, Nutsa made the top 12 of the famous singing show ... but after hearing her perform at the game, it's hard to figure out how she didn't go all the way!!

Brusdar Graterol Nutsa Buzaladze

Even though the Dodgers got blown out 11-3, fans got to experience one good performance that night.

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Tori Kelly Rushed to Hospital After Collapsing Doctors Find Blood Clots


Singer Tori Kelly is currently hospitalized and getting treatment for blood clots around her vital organs, with one source telling us the situation is "really serious."

Sources close to the Grammy-winning singer tell us she was at dinner in downtown L.A. Sunday night with friends when her heart started beating really fast. We're told Tori passed out, and was "out for a while."

Tori Kelly Getty

Our sources say Tori's friends wanted to make sure she wasn't taken to a hospital downtown, and instead taken to Cedars-Sinai -- one of the country's premiere hospitals -- so they carried her outside, loaded her in a vehicle and sped to the hospital instead of calling an ambulance.

Tori Kelly Performance Photos Gallery Launch Gallery Tori Kelly Performance Photos Launch Gallery Gallery Getty

We're told Tori's getting care in the ICU, doctors have discovered clots in Tori's legs and her lungs ... and are still working to determine if any clots are around her heart. The singer's been in and out of consciousness during her hospitalization.

Tori's been in the biz for a lot of years -- both as a singer and a songwriter -- she took home Grammys in 2019 for Best Gospel Album and Best Gospel Performance/Song and won the Billboard Women in Music Breakthrough Artist Award in 2015.

Story developing ...

Tori Kelly Still Hospitalized, Says She's Scared and Heartbroken Over Blood ClotsTori Kelly's 'Feeling Stronger' After Blood Clot Hospitalization, Says Husband

Katy Perry Good Genes or Good Docs?!


Katy Perry's looks over the years have shined bright like a "Firework!"

Here is a 26-year-old version of the bedazzled babe standing tall and having a ball during the "VH1 Divas Salute The Troops" in Miramar, California back in 2010 (left). This was around the same year she dropped her mega-hit song "Firework."

And, 13 years later the hot momma recently ignited her explosive voice -- looking like no time has passed for the pop icon -- during the U.K.'s Coronation concert at Windsor Castle (right).

"Cause baby, you're a firework!"

Mrs. Perry has definitely "bloomed" into a beautiful star, but the question is ...

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