Despite being a good sequel, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 has faced some serious problems since its release. Yes, players are enjoying it, but many of them are currently disappointed with one major broken feature in the game. Not to mention that it was supposed to be fixed already, but hasn’t been resolved at all.

Modern Warfare 3 has been met with some inevitable issues related to gameplay modes, weapons, and maps. Speaking of the latter, it seems like many of the maps present as of now are not delivering the expected performance; especially when the much-awaited Ranked Play is about to be introduced next year.

There’s no doubt about the fact that Sledgehammer’s team has been responsive in terms of addressing players’ complaints. From bugs to game-breaking glitches, the devs have tried to be quick when it comes to introducing effective fixes. Still, there are areas where they haven’t really managed to satisfy their fans. One such area is the inconsistent spawns in Multiplayer games. “This isn’t normal, not even with the terrible spawn system these games have these days,” a Reddit user shared.

This glaring issue has been present since the launch of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. However, it still remains a mystery why spawns are extremely poor in online matches. A Reddit user recently highlighted this situation, once again, while calling the current spawn system “fundamentally broken“.

“Ranked play is coming soon. How is this acceptable for something like that? It’s funny, because before season 1, I made a post about the same issue, and I can literally just copy-past the text because it still holds true,” the Reddit post stated.

Things have been bad since the game’s release

To be precise, the player is unhappy about the way spawns work in Hardpoint matches. They mentioned that what’s happening now is “your whole team will literally spawn in front of where the enemy team is spawning on almost all the maps,” read one section from the post.

Although the user has mostly stressed about Hardpoint mode not having good spawns, the overall spawn system in the game has also received a lot of backlash so far. Most of the players are struggling due to this situation.

Given the fact that MW3 will soon have a Ranked Play mode, the issue of poor spawns may ruin the experience for those who like the competitive mode. The user stated that things have been the same way “since the game’s release.”

But going by what’s happening right now, it seems like Ranked Play might face a similar problem too. And that will be a certainty if the devs don’t do anything as soon as possible. Now is the time for devs to pull up their socks and try to give a great experience to the community before the start of the new year. What do you think?

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