Mary Tyler Moore's final years were rocked by a string of medical and domestic emergencies according to police reports reviewed by

The sitcom legend, who paved the way for women in television and starred in the The Mary Tyler Moore Show, died last Wednesday at Greenwich Hospital of a heart attack brought on by pneumonia and diabetes, her death certificate reveals at age 80.

In a statement, her publicist said she was surrounded by friends and her husband of 33 years, Dr Robert Levine.

'Sadly, Mary had battled a myriad number of medical problems for years that were only getting worse and which forced her to become a shut-in,' a well-connected Greenwich neighbor of the star told

And now, call summary reports from the Greenwich Police Department create a disturbing picture of Mary's last few turbulent years. 

Sad end: The star's final years were rocked by a string of medical and domestic emergencies involving her husband of 33 years. Pictured, the couple together in 2008

Mary Tyler Moore's final years were rocked by a string of medical and domestic emergencies involving her husband of 33 years, Dr Robert Levine. Pictured, the couple together in 2008

911 calls: Police reports indicate there had been multiple 911 calls made from Mary's $8 million back-country estate, dating back to May 2012. In 2016, the calls became even more frequent

Police reports indicate there had been multiple 911 calls made from Mary's $8 million back-country estate, dating back to May 2012. In 2016, the calls became even more frequent

The reports indicate there had been multiple 911 calls made from Mary's $8 million back-country Connecticut estate, dating back to May 2012. In 2016, the calls became even more frequent.

In addition to her deteriorating health, in January 2014, Mary's marriage to cardiologist Robert, her much younger third husband, appeared to be troubled amid two stunning 911 calls, placed just days apart.

Both were classified as a 'domestic incidents' and each time had police racing up the winding drive of the couple's gated mansion.

The first of the two calls, on the evening of January 19, says under call remarks that 'wife [Mary Tyler Moore] states her estranged husband is refusing to leave house. She states he co-owns the home but normally does not reside there. [Responding police] states housekeeper is present.'

The narrative goes on to say that the incident was nonviolent, no weapons were found and no restraining orders were issued. The report continues: 'Due to lack of medication Moore was confused and disoriented. Medication was given by the aid [sic] and Moore was calmed and put into bed for the evening.'

Then, just four days later on January 23, three police units rushed to the couple's home yet again. They encountered a 'verbal dispute' between Mary and her husband, according to the officers' report.

Police said Levine made a 'vail  [veiled] threat' as he left the house and drove away in his car. No restraining orders were issued and neither Levine nor Mary were found to be under the influence.

Friends of the couple say that the domestic incidents were an anomaly, caused by medication prescribed after she had brain surgery leaving her prone to hallucinations and confusion and that Levine was devoted to his wife.

The couple's representative declined to comment on the story.

Mary Tyler Moore in her TV sitcom heyday. One of the last pictures of Mary Tyler Moore in 2013.

Fresh-faced Mary in her TV sitcom heyday and in one of the last pictures taken of her in 2013. Police reports from as far back as 2012, indicate that Mary fell multiple times, and in one instance suffered a possible broken shoulder and had very weak, shallow breathing

Sad loss: Mary died last Wednesday at Greenwich Hospital of a heart attack after complications from  diabetes and pneumonia at age 80. Her grave site now sits at Oak Lawn Cemetery in Fairfield, Connecticut

Mary died last Wednesday at Greenwich Hospital of a heart attack after complications from  diabetes and pneumonia at age 80. Her grave site now sits at Oak Lawn Cemetery in Fairfield, Connecticut

Number of incidents: Police responded to domestic incidents between Mary and Levine  in 2014. One report describes the scene as, 'wife [Mary Tyler Moore] states her estranged husband is refusing to leave house. ' Above Mary and Levine together in 1980

Police responded to domestic incidents between Mary and Levine  in 2014. One report describes the scene as: 'wife [Mary Tyler Moore] states her estranged husband is refusing to leave house. ' Above Mary and Levine together in 1980

Official report: Police  called to the home in 2014 said Levine made a 'vail [veiled] threat' as he left the house and drove away in his car. Pictured, Levine at Mary's funeral on Monday

Police  called to the home in 2014 said Levine made a 'vail [veiled] threat' as he left the house and drove away in his car. Pictured, Levine at Mary's funeral ceremony on Monday

Levine, 62, was listed as the 'reporting party' on both of those domestic calls.

On two consecutive days in May 2015, police and EMS were called again to the Moore estate.

On May 30, the partially redacted narrative reads: 'Medics were there yesterday for an incident.' The day before, the remarks were 'unknown female [word redacted] is unconscious/breathing at this time requesting evaluation.'

Other police reports, from as far back as 2012, indicate that Mary fell multiple times, and in one instance suffered a possible broken shoulder and had very weak, shallow breathing. 

One report states that she 'had hip surgery two weeks prior to a possible infection that put her in a state of semi-consciousness'.


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In addition to having suffered from type 1 diabetes for four decades, among several other injuries and health issues, sources say the beloved actress had risky surgery in May of 2011 to remove a benign brain tumor. 

She had also reportedly lost most of her vision - a side effect of her diabetes.  

'In the last months of her life she had pretty much been bedridden,' another source close to the family said. 'And in the rare times she did get up she was confined to a wheelchair.'

Mary, who battled alcoholism, had little family left when the end came. Her only child, a son, Richie Meeker, tragically died at age 24 in 1980, from a self-inflicted accidental gunshot wound.

Her first two husbands are both deceased: Richard Carelton 'Dick' Meeker, died at age 86 in 2013, and the second, Grant Tinker, passed away last November at age 90. 

Her two younger siblings, John Hackett Moore and Elizabeth Moore, died tragically before their time. Elizabeth died at 21 of a drug and alcohol overdose in 1978, and John died of cancer in 1992, after Mary had assisted him in an unsuccessful suicide attempt.

Her late parents, George Tyler Moore, a clerk, and her mother, the former Margery Hackett, were both alcoholics and, Mary often said, imperfect parents.

'Mary was blessed with immense talent and fortune during her storied life,' says the friend and neighbor. 'But when the end came she had no immediate family by her bedside outside of her husband.

'All that money and fame did little for her as she came down the homestretch in terms of it having provided a life filled with good health and happiness, especially in her twilight years.

'And then, when she took her final breath, she didn't even have the comfort of a child or sibling's reassuring hand gently holding hers as she slipped away to the other side.' 

Just the two of them: 'Mary was blessed with immense talent and fortune during her storied life,' a close friend said. 'But when the end came she had no immediate family by her bedside outside of her husband - and that relationship had been rocky at best in recent years'

'Mary was blessed with immense talent and fortune during her storied life,' a close friend said. 'But when the end came she had no immediate family by her bedside outside of her husband - and that relationship had been rocky at best in recent years'
