People prefer cuddling their pets than their partners, study finds. Picture: Getty

A study has found just how far our love for pets goes as it appears we'd rather cuddle up to our furry friends than our partners.

People would rather cuddle their pets than their partners, a new study has found.

While we always knew the UK was full of pet-lovers, it turns out we're willing to turn down an embrace from our loved one to instead snuggle down with our furry friends.

A study carried out by OnePoll on behalf of global pet brand PetSafe® found that seven out of ten pet owners (66%) would prefer to cuddle their cat or dog than their partner.

The results found that men are more inclined to cuddling their pets over their partners with 77% opposed to women's 60%.

Seven out of ten pet owners (66%) would prefer to cuddle their cat or dog than their partner. Picture: Getty

The study of 2,000 people also found that animals are better listeners than humans, with 68% of people saying that they confide in their pet after a difficult day. This is more than their best friends (52%), their family (46%) and their colleagues (33%).

We all know pets bring us happiness, but the study also found that a whopping eight out of ten people say their pet is their number one source of joy.

To thank them for providing us with so much joy, eight out of ten pet owners said that they treat their pet like royalty.

The results found that men are more inclined to cuddling their pets over their partners with 77% opposed to women's 60%. Picture: Getty

PetSafe® brand’s Rob Steele said on the research: “We've always known pets hold a special place in our hearts, but this study proves just how much we love and value them – and how much good they bring into our lives. They give so much in terms of love and emotional support, that most owners treat them as part of the family. They're always there for a cuddle or to lend a furry ear and their love is unconditional and uncompromising, and for that they deserve only the best from us.

“That’s why we strive to make pet ownership as happy, healthy and convenient as it can possibly be – with our extensive range of pet training systems, toys, travel accessories, pet doors and water fountains - so that the best times can be enjoyed together.”

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