• Adobe conducted a survey to see how people feel about pineapple on pizza.
  • The results prove that it's still a controversial topping. 
  • More survey respondents enjoy pineapple on pizza than those who don't (44% versus 41%).
  • New recipe ideas could offer tasty new flavor combinations for fans — or change naysayers' minds.

Remember office pizza parties? Maybe you think of them like they just happened yesterday.

Your company orders pizza for the entire office. You're excited. You even start walking toward where the pies are stacked a little earlier than everyone else and start browsing. But wait. Is that a pizza with pineapple on it? You're now faced with two options.  

Do you A) steer clear or B) get excited that your company finally recognizes pineapple as a viable pizza topping and grab a slice immediately? 

If you chose option B, you're in good company. According to a recent Adobe Document Cloud survey, most people tend to like pineapple on pizza and wouldn't mind if it were offered in their office. But when you dive into the numbers, it's not so simple: Pineapple on pizza is still divisive. 

More survey respondents (44%) like pineapple on pizza than those who don't (41%), while 15% are neutral. And when it comes to the workplace, while 47% would order it for their colleagues, 40% don't think it has a place in the office, and 34% would skip free pizza entirely if it were offered.

But why? People love pizza (90%), and people love pineapple (76%). But when put together, it turns out pineapple's temperature, sweetness, texture, and acidity are a few reasons people surveyed opt out of it as a pizza topping. 

Even though most people surveyed agree that ham is the most popular pizza topping to pair with pineapple, it's not the only way to do it. Here are other ways to enjoy pineapple on pizza for a sweet, salty, and sometimes spicy flavor combination.

Include sausage for spice, salt, and tasty flavor to complement the pineapple pieces

Add a new recipe to your backyard barbecue party and consider including sausage on your pizza — something one-third of survey respondents believe is the best topping to pair with pineapple. Up your game with chorizo, which is typically cooked with chiles, garlic, and spices to really add flavor to the pizza and balance the pineapple's sweet taste.

Jalapeños can balance the sweetness of pineapple 

Most people pair pineapple with other salty toppings, but what about spicy toppings? Bring the heat to your pineapple pizza with jalapeños. You'll taste the salt flavor from the cheese; the sweet, acidic taste from the pineapple; and the spicy kick from jalapeños to top it off. The stark contrast between sweet and spicy will leave your mouth watering, and you'll already start thinking about your next slice. 

Consider pepperoni for its smoky flavor  

Pepperoni is one of the most popular pizza toppings. So try it with pineapple. Sliced pepperoni has a slight smokiness and garlic flavor, which balances with pineapple's sweet and tart taste. Once the pepperoni and pineapple cook into the mozzarella, you'll taste a combination of flavors that excite your taste buds. 

Add bacon for a crispy texture 

Bacon isn't a traditional pizza topping, but 46% of respondents think it would pair well with pineapple on pizza. Cut it into small pieces for flavor throughout the entire slice or into large pieces. Its crispy texture contrasts with the pineapple's soft pieces, making this a delicious combination.

Drizzle spicy honey over your pizza   

Whether you're enjoying pineapple pizza with the toppings listed above or even the classic Hawaiian pizza, add a splash of spicy honey to bring more flavor in each bite. Spicy honey is the perfect blend of sweet and spicy since it's honey infused with chiles and other spices. Drizzle it over your pizza or even use it in a marinade for the pineapple to dress up your next pizza party.

But don't take things too far: While Adobe's survey respondents were mixed on pineapple as a topping, most (63%) agreed that wacky internet trends such as grilled watermelon crust or pizza egg rolls don't belong at their next workplace event. 

So the next time colleagues or friends suggest ordering a pizza, don't nix the controversial pineapple right away: Consider one of these fresh takes, and you might just change someone's opinion of the signature ingredient.

Are you persuaded to try pineapple on pizza? Or are you still saying "no thanks" to pineapple on your pie?

Adobe wants you to officially weigh in on the debate with your e-signature in Adobe Sign — and you could win a year's worth of free pizza* (pineapple or not). Click here to enter.

No purchase necessary. Ends 9/21/21 at 11:59 p.m. ET. For rules visit signatureingredientsweepsrules.com. 

This post was created by Insider Studios with Adobe Acrobat.

*A year's worth of pizza to be awarded in the form of a $2,000 check.
