
Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse are giving away money ... or so it seems after nearly 200 people in Rhode Island mistakenly received tax refund checks signed by the Disney duo.

The hilarious technical error was discovered when some people received checks with a Mickey signature under the general treasurer line, and Walt's name signed under state controller.

Hold on to your mouse ears hat -- Rhode Island officials say this was a technical glitch. The Disney signatures are used by the Rhode Island Division of Taxation on test files. They were never meant to be stamped on the 176 live checks mailed out ... mostly to business owners.

For the record, officials mailed out new checks with the correct signatures. And, in case you're wondering -- Seth Magaziner and Peter Keenan are the state's real treasurer and controller, respectively. Chill out, guys ... you haven't been replaced.

And, here's a fun fact raised by The AP in its report on the tax flub: "Mickey Mouse is the cartoon character that was animator and producer Walt Disney’s first big hit."

You don't say?!
